Details for Funeral Directors
The leading bespoke Funeral Notice & Donations service for over 2,000 funeral branches in the UK
Developed and enhanced over fifteen years in partnership with bereaved families, charities and funeral organisations, MuchLoved is your complete Funeral Notice, Tribute, Donations & Reviews service.
The award-winning platform is totally customisable as part of your website through simple widget integration, creating both a fantastic service for your families and the best possible branding and search optimisation benefits for your company.
Reasons to Choose MuchLoved as your Supplier
As the leading in-memory donations platform in the UK with over £150 million raised for UK charities and good causes to date, MuchLoved is your ideal partner for effortlessly and economically processing your funeral donations and gift aid.
Visitor statistics demonstrate that people are directly searching funeral director websites to find funeral announcements and our integrated facility automatically displays forthcoming and recent funeral details as part of your own website.
As a registered charity since 2007, MuchLoved also have the right ethos and experience to best support both you and your clients.
MuchLoved launched over 15 years ago
A registered charity since 2007
Award Winning
Winner of the Good Funeral Award ‘Best Online Bereavement Tool’ in 2014 and 2016
Used by over 45,000 people per day, with £150 million raised so far for UK charities
Website Integration
Fully hosted within your website for branding and search engine benefits
Download customisable reports & create automatic alerts for you and your charities
Funeral Notice
Flexible formats, preloaded locations & Google Maps
Beautiful design, functionality and personalisation
Independently collected and moderated reviews, all integrated into your website
Low Donor Fees
3.2% including Gift Aid reclaim – much less than other suppliers
From £40 per month
Case Study: Richard Steel and Partners

Richard Steel and Partners, the Family Owned Funeral Directors in Winchester chose MuchLoved so that they could offer their families and the general public an appropriate and simple way to collect charitable donations by credit/debit cards.
Any of the Richard Steel & Partners team can create a Tribute site in memory of a loved one, it only takes a minute. This Tribute is then displayed within the Richard Steel & Partners website, which also helps to increase traffic to their own website. The website link is regularly shown in the newspaper announcements and on the service sheets to promote online giving, thus reducing the administration of charitable donations via cheque/cash.
The individual Tribute page can be personalised with photographs, and visiting donors can also leave a personal message for the family and/or light a virtual candle. Both of these aspects are much appreciated by the bereaved family.
After approximately 6 weeks, the Tribute page is updated with details of any ‘offline’ donations (cash or cheques), thereby showing the grand total received. A unique link and password to the Tribute page is then given to the family so they can keep it and, if they wish, develop it as a lasting tribute to their loved one.
“Having reviewed the market we feel that they are by far the best people to work with, the most flexible, and provide the family with the best solution for online giving.”Iain Steel, Richard Steel and Partners

MuchLoved was the Best Bereavement Resource winner at the Good Funeral Awards in 2014 and 2016.
Want to know more?
You can also call our team on 01494 722818 and we’ll be delighted to answer any questions. We’d love to hear from you.